Event Speaker Rules

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Event Speaker rules enable admins to set up guidelines and policies when adding speakers to events. These guidelines and policies provide compliance, more effective events, controlled spending, and limits to speakers added to events.

Several types of Event Speaker rules exist, each of which can be controlled by country and event type:

  • Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule – Limits the number of events a speaker can speak at per event type
  • Cross-Event Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule – Limits the number of events a speaker can speak at across multiple event types
  • Speaker Attendance By Expense Cap Rule – Limits a speaker's attendance based on expense cap
  • Per Event Speaker Ratio Rule –Limits the number of speakers that can be added to an event based on a speakers-to-attendees ratio
  • Per Event Speaker Limit Rule – Defines the minimum and maximum number of speakers that can be added to an event
  • Per Event Speaker Expense Limit Rule – Limits the expenses of an event that can be attributed to an event speaker
  • Speaker Attendance Qualification – Limits speakers from being added as attendees to events they are qualified to speak at
  • Speaker Attendance By Product Cap Rule – Limits a speaker’s attendance based on product-specific cap

These rules can be configured to either warn event organizers of violations or prevent them from proceeding until violations are addressed.

See Examples of Event Speaker Rules for detailed examples of each of these types of rules.


Configuring Event Speaker Rules

To configure this feature:

  1. Grant admins the following permissions:



    Record Types





    • EM_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Cross_Event_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Speaker_Attendance_Expense_Cap_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Ratio_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Expense_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Speaker_Attendance_Qualification_Rule_vod
    • Speaker_Attendance_Product_Cap_Rule_vod
    • Speaker_Status_vod
    • Percent_Threshold_vod
    • Attendee_Account_Type_vod
    • Attendee_Status_vod
    • Global_Rule_vod
    • Per_Event_Topic_vod
    • Limit_Quantity_vod
    • Expense_Category_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Event_Status_vod
    • Date_Threshold_Type_vod
    • Rolling_Period_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • Comment_Required_vod




    • Limit_Quantity_vod
    • Minimum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Maximum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Minimum_Quantity_vod
    • Maximum_Quantity_vod




    • Comment_vod
    • Comment_Box_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Veeva_ID_vod
    • RecordTypeId
    • Status_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • EM_Speaker_vod




    • Event_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Id_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_Id_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Type_vod
    • Run_Rule_Type__c
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Record_Violated_ID_vod
    • Record_Violated_Name_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Account_vod
    • EM_Attendee_User_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Contact_vod
    • EM_Event_Speaker_vod
    • Platform_vod
    • Action_Type_vod
    • Action_Datetime_vod
    • User_vod


  2. Grant end users the following permissions:



    Record Types






    • Speaker_Status_vod
    • Percent_Threshold_vod
    • Attendee_Account_Type_vod
    • Attendee_Status_vod
    • Global_Rule_vod
    • Per_Event_Topic_vod
    • Limit_Quantity_vod
    • Minimum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Maximum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Expense_Category_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Event_Status_vod
    • Date_Threshold_Type_vod
    • Rolling_Period_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • Comment_Required_vod





    • Limit_Quantity_vod
    • Minimum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Maximum_Spend_Limit_vod
    • Minimum_Quantity_vod
    • Maximum_Quantity_vod




    • Comment_vod
    • Comment_Box_vod
    • Event_vod
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Veeva_ID_vod
    • RecordTypeId
    • Status_vod
    • Warning_Text_vod
    • EM_Speaker_vod




    • Event_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Id_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_Id_vod
    • EM_Business_Rule_Type_vod
    • Run_Rule_Type__c
    • Event_Action_vod
    • Warning_Type_vod
    • Expense_Type_vod
    • Record_Violated_ID_vod
    • Record_Violated_Name_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Account_vod
    • EM_Attendee_User_vod
    • EM_Attendee_Contact_vod
    • EM_Event_Speaker_vod
    • Platform_vod
    • Action_Type_vod
    • Action_Datetime_vod
    • User_vod


  3. Grant all users access to the following Apex classes:

    • VeevaEMBusRuleAttendee
    • VeevaEMBusRuleExpense
    • VeevaEmBusRuleModel
    • VeevaEmBusRuleUtils
    • VeevaEmBusRuleSpeaker

Creating Event Speaker Rules

All Event Rules are created from the Event Business Rules tab. The selected record type of the EM_Event_Business_Rule_vod record determines which fields admins must populate:

  1. Navigate to the Event Business Rules tab.
  2. Create an Event Rule with the appropriate record type. This determines the type of rule:

    • EM_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Cross_Event_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Speaker_Attendance_Expense_Cap_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Ratio_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Expense_Limit_Rule_vod
    • EM_Speaker_Attendance_Qualification_Rule_vod
    • Speaker_Attendance_Product_Cap_Rule_vod – Designating Speaker Caps by Product must be enabled to use this type of rule
  3. Select Next.
  4. Populate the following fields:

    • Name
    • Warning_Type_vod – Select either Hard Warning or Soft Warning. See Warning Text and Tokens for more information.
    • Warning_Text_vod – Displays the Veeva Message that displays if this rule is violated. See Warning Text and Tokens for more information.
    • Comment_Required_vod – Only displays if the Warning Type is Soft Warning. Select one of the following options:
    • Required – Organizers must leave a comment when dismissing a soft warning
    • Optional – Organizers may leave a comment when dismissing a soft warning
    • Hidden – The comment box does not display
    • Run_Rule_Event_Action_vod – Enter the appropriate button name to run the rule whenever the event organizer selects the button. Enter only one button name and do not use any of the following buttons:
    • Attendee_Reconciliation_vod
    • Cancel_Event_vod
    • Generate_Invitations_vod
    • Generate_Sign_In_vod
    • Manage_Attendees_vod
    • Manage_Attendees_Hub_vod
    • Preview_Event_QR_Code_vod
    • Record_a_Call_vod
    • Reschedule_vod
    • Schedule_Engage_vod
    • Send_Email_vod
    • Start_Webinar_vod
    • Submit_to_Cvent_vod
    • View_Signatures_vod
    • Global_Rule_vod – Applies the rule to all countries, regardless of any countries associated via Event Business Rule Configuration records.

      This field is not used with the EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Expense_Limit_Rule_vod record type.

  5. Populate the following additional fields based on the selected record type:

    Record Type

    Additional Field




    Restricts rule to EM_Event_Speaker_vod records with matching Status_vod fields. Uses the following syntax:

    Event Status 1:Speaker Status 1,Speaker Status 2;;Event Status 2:Speaker Status 1


    If selected, applies the defined Limit_Quantity_vod and Rolling_Period_vod fields individually for a topic.

    For example, a speaker can only speak at 2 events in a calendar year per topic.

    If this checkbox is not selected, the Rolling_Period_vod fields apply to events across all topics.


    Defines the timeframe for thresholds for the rule.

    Select one of the following:

    • Rolling_vod – See Rolling_Period_vod for more information
    • Calendar_Month_vod – States that the restriction applies to events before and after the scheduled event within the same calendar month
    • Calendar_Year_vod – States that the restriction applies to events before and after the scheduled event within the same calendar year


    Defines, in days, the rolling period.

    This field applies the defined number of days both before the scheduled event and after the scheduled event.

    This field should only be populated if Rolling_vod was selected for Date_Threshold_Type_vod.



    Restricts rule to EM_Event_Speaker_vod records with matching Status_vod fields. Uses the following syntax:

    Event Status 1:Speaker Status 1,Speaker Status 2;;Event Status 2:Speaker Status 1


    Defines the number of events that a speaker can have previously spoken at before violating the rule.


    If selected, applies the defined Limit_Quantity_vod and Rolling_Period_vod fields individually for a topic.

    For example, a speaker can only speak at 2 events in a calendar year per topic.

    If this checkbox is not selected, the Rolling_Period_vod fields apply to events across all topics.


    Defines the timeframe for thresholds for the rule.

    Select one of the following:

    • Rolling_vod – See Rolling_Period_vod for more information
    • Calendar_Month_vod – States that the restriction applies to events before and after the scheduled event within the same calendar month
    • Calendar_Year_vod – States that the restriction applies to events before and after the scheduled event within the same calendar year


    Defines, in days, the rolling period.

    This field applies the defined number of days both before the scheduled event and after the scheduled event.

    This field should only be populated if Rolling_vod was selected for Date_Threshold_Type_vod.



    Defines the threshold percentage for when the warning displays. This applies when the percent of committed cap remaining compared to the annual cap is less than the defined value.



    Restricts rule to EM_Event_Speaker_vod records with matching Status_vod fields. Uses the following syntax:

    Speaker Status 1;;Speaker Status 2


    Restricts rule to attendees with matching Attendee_Account_Type_vod fields on the EM_Attendee_vod object.


    Defines which attendees must be included for calculations, based on Event Status and Attendee Status. Use the following syntax:

    Attendee Status 1;;Attendee Status 2

    For example, Attended_vod;;Signed_vod

    Leave this field blank to apply the rule to all attendees, regardless of status.



    Restricts rule to EM_Event_Speaker_vod records with matching Status_vod fields. Uses the syntax:

    Speaker Status 1;;Speaker Status 2



    Restricts the rule to either Estimate or Actual Expenses.


    Use the lookup field to select the appropriate EM_Expense_Type_vod record.

    Expense Estimates are not created if the selected Expense Type is not active or is a child of another EM_Expense_Type_vod record. Per Event Expense Limits and Per Event Attendee Expense Limit rules can use active Expense Types that are children of other Expense Types if the Expense Category is Actual.


    Restricts rule to run only on events in a defined Event Status.

    Use the following format:


    For example,


    Leave this field blank to apply the rule to all events.



    Defines the threshold percentage for when the warning displays. This applies when the percent of committed cap remaining compared to the annual cap is less than the defined value.

    EM_Speaker_Attendance_Qualification_Rule_vod type rules do not require any additional fields.

  6. Select Save.

Creating Event Speaker Rule Configurations

After the event rule is created, admins must create an associated EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod record to determine which event type, country, and timespan the rule should apply to.

To associate event rules to EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod records, create a EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod record from the Business Rule Configurations related list of the appropriate business rule with the following field values:

  • Event_Business_Rule_vod – Automatically populates with the appropriate event rule
  • Event_Type_vod – Enter the appropriate EM_Event_vod record type the event rule applies to
  • Country_vod – Use the lookup to select the appropriate Country_vod record. This field does not display if the Global_Rule_vod check box was selected and is not supported with EM_Cross_Event_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod type rules.
  • Rule_Start_Date_vod – Defines the start of the active period of the rule
  • Rule_End_Date_vod – Defines the end of the active period of the rule
  • Limit_Quantity_vod – Restricts the number of events spoken at before a speaker is ineligible during the specified time period. Only applies to the following record types:
  • EM_Per_Speaker_Engagement_Limit_Rule_vod
  • EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Ratio_Rule_vod
  • Minimum_Quantity_vod and Maximum_Quantity_vod – Only applies to EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Limit_Rule_vod type rules. Used to establish the minimum and maximum number of speakers allowed for an event.
  • Minimum_Spend_Limit_vod and Maximum_Spend_Limit_vod – Only applies to EM_Per_Event_Speaker_Expense_Limit_Rule_vod type rules. Used to establish the minimum and maximum amount of expenses that can be attributed to a speaker.

Admins can create different limits for different countries by creating additional EM_Business_Rule_Configuration_vod records.

Only one business rule configuration can be active for each combination of Event_Type_vod, Event_Business_Rule_vod, and Country_vod.

Defining the Run Order of Event Speaker Rules

Many Event Speaker Rules may be configured to run on the same Event Action, for example when selecting Submit for Approval. If multiple Attendance Rules are triggered at once, rules with a Warning Type of Hard Warning run first.

When all rules have the same Warning Type, relevant rules run in the following order:

  1. Speaker Attendance Qualification Rules
  2. Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule
  3. Cross-Event Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule
  4. Speaker Attendance By Expense Cap Rule
  5. Speaker Attendance By Product Cap Rule
  6. Per Event Speaker Limit Rule
  7. Per Event Speaker Ratio Rule
  8. Per Event Speaker Expense Limit Rule

It is possible that a speaker, expense, attendee, or event may be evaluated by multiple rules, some of which may conflict with one another in some way. The following sections detail the specific logic for these instances.

Logic for Conflicting Per Event Speaker Ratio Rules

For Per Event Speaker Ratio rules, rules with and without a defined value for Attendee Account Type run at the same time. For example, three Per Event Speaker Ratio Rules are created with identical values, except for the Attendee Account Types field:

  • Rule A – Prescribers_vod
  • Rule B – KOL_vod
  • Rule C – The field has been left blank and applies to any type of attendee

All three rules have limit quantities of 10 and one speaker is added to the event. All three rules run against the same event, with the following violations based on the distribution and number of attendees:


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Number of Prescribers





Number of KOLs





Other attendees





Rules Violated


Rule B


Rule A

Logic for Conflicting Per Event Speaker Expense Limit Rules

If multiple Per Event Speaker Expense Limit rules apply to the same event, rules with a defined value in the Event Status field take precedence over rules with an empty Event Status field.

For example, two Per Event Speaker Expense Limit Rules are created, both of which are triggered by the Verify Expense button:

  • Rule A has an Event Status field of Planning_vod and a spend limit range of $0 - $500
  • Rule 2 has an empty Event Status field and a spend limit range of $0 - $1000

When the event is in a status of Planning, selecting Verify Expenses only runs Rule A. When the event is updated from Planning to Approved, selecting Verify Expenses only runs Rule B.

Logic for Conflicting Date Threshold Types

When multiple rules of the same type but with different Date Threshold values apply to the same event, all rules run and the event organizer sees all applicable warnings.

Previewing Event Speaker Rules

Event organizers are able to preview the result of the following types of Event Speaker Rules whenever they add a speaker to an event:

  • Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule
  • Cross-Event Per Speaker Engagement Limit Rule
  • Speaker Attendance By Expense Cap Rule
  • Speaker Attendance By Product Cap Rule

If a preview of a rule results in a violation, organizers can still add the speaker to the event, regardless of if the rule is a soft or hard warning. Soft or hard warning behavior only applies to when the rule's defined Run Rule on Event Action is selected.

When event organizers add a speaker to an event, they can preview any relevant Speaker Attendance Qualification rules.

Additionally, relevant Per Event Speaker Expense Limit Rules are previewed whenever the event organizer enters a speaker expense.

If an added speaker violates any rule, a warning modal displays with the name of the speaker and the warning text.

From this modal, event organizers can review potential violations and remove speakers by selecting the check box next to the speaker’s name and selecting Continue.